We've all been there—in a social setting or even just chatting with a friend—when someone asks a question we believe inappropriate. Whether it's about our personal life, finances, or health, dealing with these prying inquiries can be challenging and requires emotional intelligence to handle them appropriately.
The first step in handling intrusive questions is to remember that you are not obligated to answer them. Equally, there is no need to be nasty or allow our emotions or narrative about the person asking the question to influence how we respond. Sometimes it is pure ignorance on their part, with no ill will. It is not up to us to decide another’s intentions, but instead, to focus on how we will respond and allow ourselves to interpret and feel about the situation.
Check-in with Your Emotions:
Connect with what you are feeling and ask yourself, “Why does this question make me uncomfortable?” While you still do not need to answer it, it’s critical to develop a deeper level of awareness as to why we feel uncomfortable with certain lines of questioning.
Establish Simple Boundaries:
You can politely respond to the question by saying something like, "This isn’t a topic I want to discuss" or "That's personal information." Remembering that you have control over the information you share can empower you in these situations.
Redirect the Conversation:
If someone asks a question that makes you uncomfortable, try shifting the focus back onto them by asking a question in return. This can help change the subject and steer the conversation away from topics you'd rather not discuss. For example, if someone asks about your salary, you could respond by asking them about their favorite hobbies or recent vacation.
Address and Assert Your Wishes:
In some cases, addressing the behavior directly may be necessary. If someone continues to ask intrusive questions despite your attempts to dismiss or redirect, calmly but firmly let them know that their line of questioning is making you uncomfortable. Asserting yourself can help prevent future instances of invasive questioning.
Handling intrusive questions from others can be difficult. These strategies can help you maintain control over what information you choose to share and feel empowered in responding to prying inquiries.