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Elizabeth West
Feb 1, 20233 min read
Protecting Your Family’s Sanity in the College Admissions Process
The college application process can be fraught with anxiety and myth. It is difficult for students and families to decipher and...

Brittney-Nichole Connor-Savarda
Feb 1, 20232 min read
Empowering Teens to Navigate Their Virtual Social World
The digital world has opened up a wealth of opportunities for teens to explore, connect and build meaningful relationships. But...

Joanne Light
Jan 1, 20237 min read
Consequences of Parenting From a Place of Fear
Parenting is an exhilarating and exhausting job and likely the hardest one you will ever have. Even folks who have no children are likely...

Jan Helson
Dec 1, 20223 min read
How to Encourage Your Children to Value Giving
Moving into the holiday season, kids can easily get swept away thinking about the gifts they might receive. Piles of presents in stores...

Brittney-Nichole Connor-Savarda
Dec 1, 20222 min read
4 Tips to Help Children/Teens Build Meaningful Relationships Beyond Social Media
Healthy relationships, particularly friendships, are essential to a child or teen's life. But what happens when those relationships are...

Cathy Domoney
Nov 1, 20227 min read
Gifting Your Child the Struggle: The Benefits of Supporting Your Child in Making Mistakes
Why do parents overprotect their children from making mistakes? When our babies are very young, we often take the time to babyproof our...

Katherine Grill, PhD
Oct 1, 20222 min read
How to Incorporate SEL into Homeschooling
SEL (social-emotional learning) helps kids build the cognitive, physical, and social skills needed to be successful with relationships,...

Danielle Dellaquila
Oct 1, 20223 min read
What is Psychological Child Abuse, and How can Emotional Intelligence Help Us Heal?
The effects are the same regardless of whether a child experiences physical or psychological abuse. Both wear down a child's sense of...

Lindsay Miller
Sep 1, 20224 min read
Timeout Alternatives: Promoting Awareness and Self-regulation
When we place children in timeout, we unknowingly condition them to associate being alone with themselves as punishment. In reality, that...

Brittney-Nichole Connor-Savarda
Sep 1, 20225 min read
Why is Emotional Intelligence Declining in Youth, and How to Help as a Parent
As a 90’s kid whose parents worked long hours and swing shifts, I spent a lot of time watching Nickelodeon on the television set. At the...

Lindsay Miller
Aug 1, 20225 min read
5 Things to Remember When Your Child Says, "I Hate You."
It’s never easy to hear your child say, “I hate you!” While there’s no ‘right way’ to respond to hurtful words, an emotionally...

Lindsay Miller
Jul 1, 20223 min read
Traditional vs. Emotionally Intelligent Parenting: 3 Ways EI Supports Parents and Children
We often hear about increasing emotional intelligence, but if you’re just learning, it can be hard to understand how the skills of...

Jennifer Fraser, Ph.D
Jun 1, 20225 min read
Shaming Children Leaves Scars on the Brain that Adversely Affect Emotional Health
Growing up, my father’s method of punishment was to shun me, a practice our family referred to ominously, yet humorously, as “Amish...

Brittney-Nichole Connor-Savarda
May 1, 20223 min read
How to Teach Your Child About the Mind-Body Connection — AKA Psychoneuroimmunology
You may have had a similar occurrence with your child, such as this: Your child: “I don’t feel good. I feel sick.” The first thing you...

Dr. Andrew Kahn
Apr 1, 20224 min read
Tips for Creating an Emotionally Healthy Learning Environment for Kids
COVID-19-induced school closures pushed parents to engage in their child’s education in unprecedented ways. Regardless of how in-person...

Parisa Ghanbari, MA, | Janine Ilsley, LMSW
Mar 1, 20223 min read
What are the Long-Term Effects of Childhood Neglect?
This is a dual-authored article featuring the insights of Parisa Ghanbari, MA, and Janine Ilsley, LMSW. Neglect in childhood can have...

Lauren Buckles
Feb 1, 20226 min read
5 Ways You Can Teach Your Young Children How to Become Mindful and Live in the Present
Mindfulness is becoming a way of life. As I sip my morning coffee, I see meditation in the headlines of mainstream news stations. Local...

Brittney-Nichole Connor-Savarda
Feb 1, 20224 min read
How to Avoid Parenting like Your Parents
Even the best parents have made their share of mistakes and could have handled situations differently. It's part of being human. And...

Vonetta Wade
Dec 31, 20216 min read
Why Self-Awareness is Essential for a Healthy Parent-Child Relationship
Being aware of our relationship with our thoughts, actions, and behaviors is a critical element of Emotional Intelligence. Self-awareness...

Lisa Stryker
Dec 31, 20213 min read
The Power of the Pause: Listening with Emotional Intelligence
The power of a pause helps us better understand, connect, reflect, listen to understand, resolve feelings of tension or conflict, and more.
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