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Social Skills and emotional intelligence

Sociale vaardigheden

: het vermogen om te leiden, te veranderen, vertrouwen op te bouwen, effectief te communiceren, samen te werken en met anderen samen te werken; het vermogen om de synergie van een groep te voelen en dienovereenkomstig aan te passen.

Top fo Social Skills

Het is niet meer grootsheid dat ons doel zou moeten zijn. We moeten eerder proberen mensen terug te brengen naar de warmte van de gemeenschap, naar de waarde van individuele inspanning en verantwoordelijkheid, en van individuen die samenwerken als een gemeenschap, om hun leven en de toekomst van hun kinderen te verbeteren. 

ā€” Robert F. Kennedy 
Vanessa Van Edwards on The Science of People with Lewis Howes

Vanessa Van Edwards on The Science of People with Lewis Howes

šŸ’° Get my NEW book, Make Money Easy! šŸ”” Subscribe for more great content: - Get my NEW book The Greatness Mindset today! - Sign up for my FREE newsletter & get a dose of inspiration from our world-class guests, learn how to improve your life! Download podcast episodes a week early! Thank you for Watching this powerful interview with Vanessa Van Edwards! New Interviews, and Inspirational videos will be posted every Monday and Wednesday! Subscribe to the channel here: ----- This is audio podcast number #475 with Vanessa Van Edwards Make sure to leave a comment below and share this with your friends! Vanessa loves inappropriately intimate questions, peering into peopleā€™s shopping carts at the grocery store and eavesdropping on strangers conversations in coffee shops. In other words, she loves to figure people out. She walks into parties determined to find out the most interesting thing about every person in the room. Vanessa doesnā€™t believe there are boring peopleā€”just individuals afraid to expose who the really are. Sheā€™s allergic to uninteresting conversation, isnā€™t afraid to call BS and has long given up on social niceties. She power poses anytime, anywhere with anyoneā€¦ In This Episode, You Will Learn: What makes the most popular people popular (5:25) What to do to make a great impression at a big conference or networking event (8:14) The best questions to ask when you meet someone and why (13:53) How emotions are contagious (21:01) Why ā€œfake it til you make itā€ isnā€™t the best strategy (22:03) How to get support for the things your personality struggles with (36:05) Which personality test is actually scientifically based (39:47) The one personality trait that you need to figure out between partners (41:40) What personality traits to be mindful of when dating (50:40) How to tell if someone is lying (59:58) Plus much moreā€¦ Show notes available here: ----- You can follow Lewis at: Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: SnapChat: Lewis Howes is NY Times Bestselling author, entrepreneur, and former professional Arena League football player. He hosts The School of Greatness, a talk show distributed as a podcast. Learn and hear the stories from various successful people around the world, become inspired, motivated and educated with the SCHOOL OF GREATNESS. You can follow me at: Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Tiktok: Linkedin:
Social Skills Everyone Should Know

Social Skills Everyone Should Know

Which social skills do you have? Most people don't realize charisma comes in many different flavors. There are 14 distinct social skills you can have -- knowing what your social strengths are is key to having great AUTHENTIC social interactions. Do you feel awkward? You might be using your non-natural social skills. In this video, learn which skills you have and how to improve others. In this video: 0:00 Intro 0:59 Linchpin 1:54 Conversationalist 3:22 The comedian 4:18 Speaker 4:58 Influencer 5:41 Listener 6:46 Magnet 7:36 Storyteller 8:41 Nurturer 9:30 Decoder 10:35 Leader 11:36 Connector 12:26 Dreambuilder 13:06 Chameleon 13:49 Final thoughts ****** Hi, Iā€™m Vanessa! You deserve more. More influence, more income, more of what you want. I would be honored to help you. Do you want to be the most likable person in the room? Get my FREE guide now: My name is Vanessa Van Edwards and Iā€™m a recovering awkward person. Iā€™m also a multi-time bestselling author of: Cues: Master the Secret Language of Charismatic Communication ( Captivate: The Science of Succeeding with People ( and I am the creator of People School. This advanced video communication course is for high achievers who want to be confident communicators. My goal is simple: Help YOU get to your goals faster. Never be overlooked, interrupted or forgotten again. PS - Get our free 60-minute online trainings: + Join the party on Instagram: ****** PS - Join the conversation on social! ā˜ž Facebook: ā˜ž Twitter: ā˜ž Instagram:
The Art of Listening | Simon Sinek

The Art of Listening | Simon Sinek

Listening is more than the act of hearing. It's creating an environment in which the other person FEELS heard. If we truly listen to someone else's perspective, we can gain understanding and engage in more meaningful dialogue. White Right: Meeting the Enemy (award-winning documentary by Deeyah Khan): Recorded at Medtronic Leadership Lab Cultural Circle, September 2021. + + + Simon is an unshakable optimist. He believes in a bright future and our ability to build it together. Described as ā€œa visionary thinker with a rare intellect,ā€ Simon has devoted his professional life to help advance a vision of the world that does not yet exist; a world in which the vast majority of people wake up every single morning inspired, feel safe wherever they are and end the day fulfilled by the work that they do. Simon is the author of multiple best-selling books including Start With Why, Leaders Eat Last, Together is Better, and The Infinite Game. + + + Website: Live Online Classes: Podcast: Instagram: Linkedin: Twitter: Facebook: Simonā€™s books: The Infinite Game: Start With Why: Find Your Why: Leaders Eat Last: Together is Better: + + + #SimonSinek
Videos Social Skills


Onderwerp: Sociale vaardigheden

Smithsonian Magazine

Elizabeth Dale-Deines & Jennifer Reifsteck

How Art Can Foster Social-Emotional Awareness for Our Students (and Ourselves)

Fast Company


6 Elements of Emotional Intelligence that Matter In a Crisis

Harvard Business Review

Allison Shapira and David Horsager

To Win Over an Audience, Focus on Building Trust

Make Use Of (MUO)


5 Conflict Management Styles to Handle Roadblocks in the Workplace

St. Peters Health Partners

Robert Webster Jr.

The Importance of Healthy Communication in Relationships

Articles Social Skills

Aanbevolen publicaties

Hier zijn slechts een paar zorgvuldig uitgekozen boeken waarvan wij geloven dat ze geweldige bronnen zijn voor het begrijpen en ontwikkelen van sociale vaardigheden. 

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Hoe vrienden te maken en mensen te beinvloeden

Dale Carnegie

...een zelfhulpklassieker die leest als een levenshandleiding. De kerngedachte is dat je het gedrag van anderen kunt veranderen door simpelweg je eigen gedrag te veranderen. Het leert je de principes om mensen beter te begrijpen, een sympathieker persoon te worden, relaties te verbeteren, anderen voor je te winnen en gedrag te beĆÆnvloeden door middel van leiderschap.
ā€” Dan Silvestre

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Hoe met iemand praten?

Leil Lowndes

...dit boek is een pleidooi voor zelfvertrouwen en een zachte gids naar zelfbewustzijn. In plaats van je te helpen te worden wie je denkt te moeten zijn, hoopt The Art of Talking to Yourself je te laten kennismaken met iemand die interessanter is: wie je bent.

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Praten met vreemden

Malcom Gladwell

Talking to Strangers is een klassiek Gladwelliaans intellectueel avontuur, een uitdagende en controversiĆ«le excursie door geschiedenis, psychologie en schandalen, rechtstreeks uit het nieuws gehaald. 

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Cruciale gesprekken

Patronen; Grenny; McMillan; Switzler

Cruciale gesprekken  helpt u de moeilijke delen van de dialoog te doorstaan en helpt u relaties aan te gaan die echt en productief zijn en die uw leven en carriĆØre zullen verrijken.

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Sociale intelligentie

Daniel Goleman

In  Social Intelligence , Daniel Goleman verkent een opkomende nieuwe wetenschap met verrassende implicaties voor onze interpersoonlijke wereld. De meest fundamentele ontdekking: we zijn ontworpen voor gezelligheid, voortdurend bezig met een 'neuraal ballet' dat ons brein tot brein verbindt met de mensen om ons heen.



Dr. Henry Cloud; Dr. John Townsend

...Drs. Henry Cloud en John Townsend helpen je te leren wanneer je ja moet zeggen en weet hoe je nee moet zeggen om de controle over je leven te nemen en gezonde, bijbelse grenzen te stellen met je partner, kinderen, vrienden, ouders, collega's en zelfs jezelf.

Publications Social Skills
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