Motivation | Emotional Intelligence Magazine +
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Intrinsic Motivation and emotional intelligence


: Að beina tilfinningum sem leiða þig til að ná markmiðum þínum; hollustu við að ná markmiðum þínum þrátt fyrir hindranir eða áföll.

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Flestir eru ekki nálægt því að átta sig á sköpunarmöguleikum sínum, að hluta til vegna þess að þeir eru að vinna í umhverfi sem hindrar innri hvatningu.

Teresa Amabile
The puzzle of motivation | Dan Pink | TED
Societal Expectations and Inner Desires: The Complex Dynamics of Motivation

Societal Expectations and Inner Desires: The Complex Dynamics of Motivation

When we study how we get motivated to learn, develop, and succeed, we can identify two contrary forces: extrinsic and intrinsic ones. Extrinsic motivation drives your thinking and behavior from the outside, though rewards such as money or fame. Intrinsic motivation comes from within in the form of natural curiosity. Want to boost your motivation and begin to write your own story, your own Lifebook? Check out this FREE masterclass on Lifebook Online masterclass by Mindvalley: Useful links Link to our website: Link to our Patreon: Link to full script: Sources Meta Analysis Motivation on Wikipedia Extrinsic Motivation Intrinsic Motivation ORIGINAL TITLE Extrinsic vs. Intrinsic Motivation Thanks to our patrons This video was made with the support of our Patrons: Adam G, Raman Srivastava, Karl Luckwald, Daniel Kramer, Marq Short, Ronny Thomas Scripz, Muhammad Humayun, Ginger, Tsungren Yang, Esther Chiang, Badrah, Cedric Wang, Eva Marie Koblin, Broke, Jeffrey Cassianna, Sergei Kukhariev, Andrea Basilio Rava, Petra, Adèle D, kritik bhimani, David Markham, Don Bone, John Zhang, Mathis Nu, Julien DUMESNIL and all the others. Thank you! To join them visit Video collaborators Script: Jonas Koblin Artist: Pascal Gaggelli Voice: Mithril Coloring: Nalin Editing: Peera Lertsukittipongsa Production: Selina Bador Production Assistant: Bianka Proofreading: Susan Made with MinuteVideos
Dopamine Fasting 2.0 - Overcome Addiction & Restore Motivation

Dopamine Fasting 2.0 - Overcome Addiction & Restore Motivation

This animation was made in collaboration with One Percent Better. Please subscribe! We live in a world that is designed to stimulate our emotions. Every advertisement, food product and social media post is geared to give us a short rush of pleasure which is followed by an emptiness and a craving for more. Big companies are able to leverage our cravings and make trillions of dollars off of keeping us addicted. If you don’t have a plan for yourself, you will be at the mercy of companies who will play on your impulses to control you like a puppet. You will sacrifice your free will, searching for happiness in a maze that’s designed to keep you lost. Studies show that on average, people use their smartphones for about 3 hours per day [1,2]. That’s 1,095 hours every year. Thankfully there is a way to regain control over your impulses and take your power back through a practice called dopamine fasting. Dopamine fasting is the idea that if you avoid dopamine stimulating activities for extended periods of time, you will be able to ‘reset your brain’ and let go of addictive behaviors that negatively impact your life. It’s commonly misunderstood as reducing dopamine, but that’s not true. Dopamine is necessary to function as a healthy human being. Dopamine Fasting exploded in interest in October 2018 and gained even more interest a year later after Dr. Cameron Sepah published an article on Medium titled ‘The Definitive Guide to Dopamine Fasting 2.0: The Hot Silicon Valley Trend. Dopamine fasting 2.0 is better defined. It’s based on Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. It’s about reducing impulsive behavior, not reducing dopamine itself. And it doesn’t encourage you to act like a full-blown monk who abstains from all forms of pleasure. Get the After Skool Kid's Book - Why Don't Country Flags Use The Color Purple? - Get in touch via Please support on Patreon - Follow on Instagram and Facebook Animation at the end was produced by CeoQDisney References 1. Milijic, M. (2020, February 17). 29 Smartphone Usage Statistics: Around the World in 2020. Retrieved May 21, 2020, from 2. MacKay, J. (2020, February 20). Screen time stats: How your phone impacts your workday – RescueTime. Retrieved May 21, 2020, from 3. Breuning, Loretta Graziano. Habits of a Happy Brain: Retrain Your Brain to Boost Your Serotonin, Dopamine, Oxytocin, & Endorphin Levels (pp. 89-90). Adams Media. Kindle Edition. 4. Google Docs.Data source: Google Trends ( 5. Sepah, C. (2019, November 27). Dopamine Fasting 2.0: The Hot Silicon Valley Trend. Retrieved April 4, 2020, from 6. Portland Psychotherapy Team. (2019, August 26). Riding the Wave: Using Mindfulness to Help Cope with Urges -. Retrieved April 4, 2020, from 7. The Efficacy of CBT Behaviour Change Metaanalysis 8. Dopamine receptor. (2020, February 14). Retrieved April 11, 2020, from 9. The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg Duhigg, C. (2014). The power of habit: why we do what we do in life and business. New York: Random House Trade Paperbacks.
Videos Motivation


Efni: Hvatning

Strategy + Business

Theodore Kinni

Getting and Staying Motivated


Jack Kelly

How To Get Motivated And Achieve Your Goals



5 better ways to get stuff done, according to the science of motivation

Psychology Today

Matt Johnson Ph.D.

The Power of Intrinsic Motivation


Kendra Cherry

Intrinsic Motivation: How Your Behavior Is Driven by Internal Rewards

Articles Motivation

Útgáfur sem mælt er með

Hér eru aðeins nokkrar handvalnar bækur sem við teljum að séu frábær úrræði til að þróa og skilja innri hvatningu. 

good vibes good life.jpg

Góð straumur, gott líf

Vex konungur

Í þessari bók mun Vex sýna þér að þegar þú breytir því hvernig þú hugsar, líður, talar og hegðar þér, byrjar þú að breyta heiminum.

the mountain is you.jfif

Fjallið ert þú

Brianna Wiest

Þetta er bók um sjálfsskemmdarverk. Hvers vegna við gerum það, hvenær við gerum það og hvernig á að hætta að gera það - til góðs. Sambýli en andstæðar þarfir skapa sjálfskemmandi hegðun. Þetta er ástæðan fyrir því að við stöndum gegn viðleitni til að breyta, oft þar til þeim finnst þær algjörlega tilgangslausar. 

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James Clear

Clear er þekktur fyrir hæfileika sína til að slípa flókin efni í einfalda hegðun sem auðvelt er að nota í daglegt líf og vinnu. Hér byggir hann á sannreynustu hugmyndum úr líffræði, sálfræði og taugavísindum til að búa til auðskiljanlegan leiðbeiningar til að gera góðar venjur óumflýjanlegar og slæmar venjur ómögulegar. 

get out of your own way.jpg

Farðu úr þínum eigin vegi

Mark Goulston, læknir og Philip Goldberg

Hagnýt, sannað sjálfshjálparskref sýna hvernig hægt er að umbreyta 40 algengum sjálfsigrandi hegðun, þar á meðal frestun, öfund, þráhyggju, reiði, sjálfsvorkunn, áráttu, þörf, sektarkennd, uppreisn, aðgerðarleysi og fleira.

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Hin fíngerða list að gefa ekki fjandann

Mark Manson

Manson ráðleggur okkur að kynnast takmörkunum okkar og samþykkja þær. Þegar við faðmum ótta okkar, galla og óvissu, þegar við hættum að hlaupa og forðast og byrjum að horfast í augu við sársaukafullan sannleika, getum við byrjað að finna hugrekki, þrautseigju, heiðarleika, ábyrgð, forvitni og fyrirgefningu sem við leitumst eftir.

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HINN EINA hlutur

Gary Keller

Fólk notar þetta einfalda, kraftmikla hugtak til að einbeita sér að því sem skiptir mestu máli í einkalífi og vinnu.  The ONE Thing skilar óvenjulegum árangri á öllum sviðum lífs þíns - vinnu, persónulega, fjölskyldu og andlega. HVAÐ ER ÞITT?

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