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Clapping Game


: Compreender e partilhar as emoções dos outros; capacidade de avaliar as necessidades de outras pessoas.

Top of Empathy

Para ser empático, você não precisa entender ou concordar com o motivo de alguém se sentir assim; você simplesmente precisa se conectar com o que outra pessoa está sentindo.

Brittney-Nichole Connor-Savarda
Communication Skills: Empathetic Listening - Inside Out, 2015

Communication Skills: Empathetic Listening - Inside Out, 2015

Communication Skills: Empathetic Listening Effective listening skills are the basics of building successful relationships with people. How we engage others in verbal and non-verbal communication, what do we hear behind words, how we understand and empathize the emotions of others, ask questions and clarify the messages — all these contribute to our emotional intelligence and effective social skills, influencing our lives both on a personal and professional level. A picture is worth a thousand words! To ensure a deeper understanding and provide more meaningfulness to the basic communication and social skills training, we routinely use clips from famous movies — as an example of “what to do” or “what not to do”. The effectiveness of this online learning method is achieved through the inclusion of our visual channel of perception, emotionality of the image, and ease of submission of material. Enjoy your experience! This movie clip refers to the Effective Listening lesson which is part of the Genius of Communication online learning course, along with six other lessons on Body Language, Verbal Communication, Building Relationships, Conflict Resolution, Personal Image, and Manners & Etiquette. Together they encompass the basics of social skills and provide one big advantage — they give us the freedom to communicate effectively with anyone and everywhere, liberate us from shyness, and shift our confidence to a higher level. To get more information and purchase our online communication courses, visit our website: Connect with us: Facebook Facebook Instagram LinkedIn Communication Skills: Empathetic Listening
Empathy: The Heart of Difficult Conversations | Michelle Stowe | TEDxTallaght

Empathy: The Heart of Difficult Conversations | Michelle Stowe | TEDxTallaght

Michelle Stowe is a restorative practitioner, trainer and consultant. She is passionate about creating well-being and happiness in the workplace; and particularly interested in re-culturing schools and cultivating a restorative paradigm shift that honours community and connection. Michelle also works with schools, communities and organisations that need support in resolving conflict between people. She is particularly interested in supporting others to turn towards and see themselves in one another in times of conflict. Being involved in this work allows her to feel that the life she is living is the same as the life that wants to live in her. Michelle Stowe is a restorative practitioner, trainer and consultant. She is passionate about creating well-being and happiness in the workplace; and particularly interested in re-culturing schools and cultivating a restorative paradigm shift that honours community and connection. Michelle also works with schools, communities and organisations that need support in resolving conflict between people. She is particularly interested in supporting others to turn towards and see themselves in one another in times of conflict. Being involved in this work allows her to feel that the life she is living is the same as the life that wants to live in her. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
Videos Empathy


Tema: Empatia

Psychology Today

Gleb Tsipursky Ph.D.

September 8, 2022

How to Defeat the Empathy Gap

Neuroscience News

University of Kansas

May 9, 2022

Empathy Training Improves Mother-Child Relationships and Life Satisfaction

The Campus

Mariano Garay Peña, Beatriz Murillo Pancardo

May 24, 2022

Using empathy in the classroom can have a great impact on learning

News Week


May 27, 2022

The Power of Empathy: It's Not All About You

Neuroscience News

Society for Research in Child Development

February 23, 2022

Siblings of Children With Disabilities May Have Greater Cognitive Empathy

Articles Empathy

Publicações recomendadas

Aqui estão apenas alguns livros escolhidos a dedo que acreditamos serem ótimos recursos para entender e desenvolver a empatia. 

mindsight by Daniel J. Siegal, M.D.

Visão mental

Daniel J. Siegel, MD

" Visão mental  oferece uma nova maneira de transformar sua vida para melhor, conectando a consciência emocional com as reações certas em seu corpo, com base no trabalho de um renomado psicólogo e seus pacientes." 
- Niklas Goeke

the empathy effect by Helen Riess, MD.

O efeito da empatia

Helen Riess, MD

Um guia revolucionário para entender e mudar a maneira como nos conectamos. Dr. Riess apresenta um recurso definitivo sobre empatia: a ciência por trás de como ela funciona, novas pesquisas sobre como a empatia se desenvolve desde o nascimento até a idade adulta e ferramentas para construir sua capacidade de criar uma conexão emocional autêntica com os outros em qualquer situação. 

the age of empthay by Frans de Waal

A era da empatia

Frans de Waal

Através de uma melhor compreensão do valor de sobrevivência da empatia na evolução, sugere de Waal, podemos trabalhar juntos em direção a uma sociedade mais justa baseada em uma visão mais generosa e precisa da natureza humana.

The Zen of Listening by Rebecca Z. Shafir, M.A. CCC

O Zen da Escuta

Rebecca Z. Shafir, MA CCC

Os leitores ficarão surpresos com a forma como simplesmente aprender a se concentrar atentamente em um orador melhora o relacionamento, aumenta a capacidade de atenção e ajuda a desenvolver habilidades de negociação. Aprenda as grandes barricadas do mal-entendido, descubra como ouvir a nós mesmos, descubra como ouvir sob estresse e melhore nossa memória. 

Nonviolent Communication by Marshall B. Rosenberg

Comunicação Não Violenta

Marshall B. Rosenberg

"O livro se concentra em como nos expressar de uma maneira que inspire empatia nos outros, e como ouvi-los empaticamente. Esse sistema mudou radicalmente minha compreensão das interações humanas, e usar essas técnicas comigo mesmo reduziu muito meu próprio nível de autojulgamento”.
-William Éden

Empathy by Roman Krznaric


Roman Krznaric

 Neste livro animado e envolvente, ele argumenta que nossos cérebros estão preparados para a conexão social. Empatia, não apatia ou egocentrismo, está no centro de quem somos. Ao olhar para fora e tentar nos identificar com as experiências dos outros, argumenta Krznaric, podemos nos tornar não apenas uma sociedade mais igualitária, mas também mais feliz e criativa.

Publications Empathy
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