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: Kitų emocijų supratimas ir dalijimasis jomis; gebėjimas įvertinti kitų žmonių poreikius.

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Kad būtumėte empatiški, neprivalote suprasti ar sutikti, kodėl kažkas jaučiasi taip, kaip jaučiasi; jums tiesiog reikia susieti su tuo, ką jaučia kažkas kitas.

- Brittney-Nichole Connor-Savarda
Communication Skills: Empathetic Listening - Inside Out, 2015

Communication Skills: Empathetic Listening - Inside Out, 2015

Communication Skills: Empathetic Listening Effective listening skills are the basics of building successful relationships with people. How we engage others in verbal and non-verbal communication, what do we hear behind words, how we understand and empathize the emotions of others, ask questions and clarify the messages — all these contribute to our emotional intelligence and effective social skills, influencing our lives both on a personal and professional level. A picture is worth a thousand words! To ensure a deeper understanding and provide more meaningfulness to the basic communication and social skills training, we routinely use clips from famous movies — as an example of “what to do” or “what not to do”. The effectiveness of this online learning method is achieved through the inclusion of our visual channel of perception, emotionality of the image, and ease of submission of material. Enjoy your experience! This movie clip refers to the Effective Listening lesson which is part of the Genius of Communication online learning course, along with six other lessons on Body Language, Verbal Communication, Building Relationships, Conflict Resolution, Personal Image, and Manners & Etiquette. Together they encompass the basics of social skills and provide one big advantage — they give us the freedom to communicate effectively with anyone and everywhere, liberate us from shyness, and shift our confidence to a higher level. To get more information and purchase our online communication courses, visit our website: https://academyofsocialcompetency.com/training-for-individuals/ Connect with us: Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SocialCompetency Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/HappyRelationshipsCouples Instagram https://www.instagram.com/nairavelumyan/ LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/naira-velumyan/ Communication Skills: Empathetic Listening
Empathy: The Heart of Difficult Conversations | Michelle Stowe | TEDxTallaght

Empathy: The Heart of Difficult Conversations | Michelle Stowe | TEDxTallaght

Michelle Stowe is a restorative practitioner, trainer and consultant. She is passionate about creating well-being and happiness in the workplace; and particularly interested in re-culturing schools and cultivating a restorative paradigm shift that honours community and connection. Michelle also works with schools, communities and organisations that need support in resolving conflict between people. She is particularly interested in supporting others to turn towards and see themselves in one another in times of conflict. Being involved in this work allows her to feel that the life she is living is the same as the life that wants to live in her. Michelle Stowe is a restorative practitioner, trainer and consultant. She is passionate about creating well-being and happiness in the workplace; and particularly interested in re-culturing schools and cultivating a restorative paradigm shift that honours community and connection. Michelle also works with schools, communities and organisations that need support in resolving conflict between people. She is particularly interested in supporting others to turn towards and see themselves in one another in times of conflict. Being involved in this work allows her to feel that the life she is living is the same as the life that wants to live in her. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
Videos Empathy


Tema: Empatija

Psychology Today

Gleb Tsipursky Ph.D.

September 8, 2022

How to Defeat the Empathy Gap

Neuroscience News

University of Kansas

May 9, 2022

Empathy Training Improves Mother-Child Relationships and Life Satisfaction

The Campus

Mariano Garay Peña, Beatriz Murillo Pancardo

May 24, 2022

Using empathy in the classroom can have a great impact on learning

News Week


May 27, 2022

The Power of Empathy: It's Not All About You

Neuroscience News

Society for Research in Child Development

February 23, 2022

Siblings of Children With Disabilities May Have Greater Cognitive Empathy

Articles Empathy

Rekomenduojami leidiniai

Štai tik kelios kruopščiai atrinktos knygos, kurios, mūsų nuomone, yra puikūs ištekliai suprasti ir ugdyti empatiją. 

mindsight by Daniel J. Siegal, M.D.


Daniel J. Siegel, MD

Mintys  siūlo naują būdą pakeisti savo gyvenimą į gerąją pusę, susiejant emocinį sąmoningumą su tinkamomis kūno reakcijomis, remiantis žinomo psichologo ir jo pacientų darbu. 
- Niklasas Goeke'as

the empathy effect by Helen Riess, MD.

Empatijos efektas

Helen Riess, MD

Revoliucinis vadovas, kaip suprasti ir pakeisti mūsų bendravimo būdą. Dr. Riess pristato galutinį empatijos šaltinį: jos veikimo mokslą, naujus tyrimus, kaip empatija vystosi nuo gimimo iki pilnametystės, ir įrankius, padedančius ugdyti gebėjimą sukurti autentišką emocinį ryšį su kitais bet kokioje situacijoje. 

the age of empthay by Frans de Waal

Empatijos amžius

Fransas de Waalas

De Waal teigia, kad geriau suprasdami empatijos išlikimo vertę evoliucijoje, galime dirbti kartu kurdami teisingesnę visuomenę, pagrįstą dosnesniu ir tikslesniu žmogaus prigimties požiūriu.

The Zen of Listening by Rebecca Z. Shafir, M.A. CCC

Klausymo zenas

Rebecca Z. Shafir, MA CCC

Skaitytojai bus nustebinti, kaip vien mokymasis sutelkti dėmesį į kalbėtoją pagerina santykius, padidina dėmesį ir padeda lavinti derybų įgūdžius. Sužinokite apie didžiąsias nesusipratimų barikadas, sužinokite, kaip įsiklausyti į save, sužinokite, kaip klausytis patiriant stresą, ir pagerinkite atmintį. 

Nonviolent Communication by Marshall B. Rosenberg

Nesmurtinis bendravimas

Maršalas B. Rozenbergas

"Knygoje pagrindinis dėmesys skiriamas tam, kaip išreikšti save taip, kad sukeltų empatiją kitiems, ir kaip savo ruožtu empatiškai jų klausytis. Ši sistema radikaliai pakeitė mano supratimą apie žmonių sąveiką, o naudojant šias technikas su savimi labai sumažėjo mano paties lygis. savęs vertinimas“.
- Viljamas Edenas

Empathy by Roman Krznaric


Romanas Krznaricas

 Šioje gyvoje ir įtraukiančioje knygoje jis teigia, kad mūsų smegenys yra sukurtos socialiniams ryšiams. Empatija, o ne apatija ar egocentriškumas, yra mūsų esmė. Žvelgdami į išorę ir bandydami susitapatinti su kitų patirtimi, teigia Krznaric, galime tapti ne tik lygesne visuomene, bet ir laimingesne bei kūrybiškesne.

Publications Empathy
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