Emotional Intelligence Specialists Profile
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Certified Life Coach and Certified Spiritual Coach


Individuals, Educators, Business Owners, Executives, Leaders

Aptarnaujau per:

Coaching, Retreats

SRITYS, kuriose APtarnauju:

Awareness, Emotional Regulation, Empathy, Communication Skills, Personal Development, Anxiety and Stress Management, Growth Mindset, Listening Skills, Self-image, Self-esteem

Paisley Bird

Insight Coach

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Užsisakykite konsultaciją

I am Paisley Bird, an Insight Coach that supports individuals in their journey of self. Insight is defined as" the capacity to gain an accurate and deep intuitive understanding of a person or thing." I truly believe that having insight into ourselves leaves us feeling powerful, impactful, peaceful and satisfied within our soul, enabling us to live our lives in alignment with who we truly are. I support my clients by going on this beautiful and painful adventure with them, so that they come out the other side with tools, mental clarity, joy and the confidence to make the best decisions for themselves.

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