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Nearly 10 years experience in personal development, training, coaching, mindset, mindfulness and leadership.


Individuals, Parents, Educators, Business Owners, Executives, Leaders




Leadership Development, Personal Development, Growth Mindset, Self-image, Self-esteem

Jennifer J. McCune, PhD

Health & Wellness Coach



434 284 2275

I have a PhD from the University of Virginia, and have worked in education, coaching, training, fundraising, writing, editing, strategic thinking and planning, entrepreneurship, coaching, personal development, leadership, mindfulness and mindset. I also have public speaking experience at conferences, in networking groups, on podcasts and inspirational video platforms, and have written a blog aimed at mompreneurs. Furthermore, I am the facilitator of a women's networking group to bring positive, supportive women together for meaningful conversations and connections. My circuitous career path revolves around the continuous theme of empowering people to live the lives of their dreams.

Having worked in education, fundraising, and culture and language training, I found entrepreneurship almost a decade ago, and my life changed drastically. At the time, I was a mom of three young children, working full time, going to school at night, wondering how I could build a lucrative career and have the flexibility to live life and be with my kids. It seemed impossible but I kept my search going and my mind open. With the help of LinkedIn, I found an entrepreneurial opportunity that I started around my full-time job and was able to leave corporate America two years later. I have learned extensively about entrepreneurship, coaching, personal development, leadership, mindfulness and mindset in those ten years, training, coaching, leading and inspiring thousands along the way. I love helping others live their best lives with health and wellness coaching by helping people take care of themselves inside and out holistically.

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