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Join date: Jun 16, 2022


I'm known for my talent show suitcase tricks and my playful laugh. When I'm not playing catch with my daughter or rollerblading on local trails with my husband, you can find me using my 20+ years of child development study and mindfulness certification to dream up new ways to get kids excited about deep breathing. Having navigated my teenage and early adult years without mindfulness, I am passionate about helping this generation of kids learn to manage emotions, work through feelings of anxiety and learn how to express their needs. While counseling used to be the only way to support kids mental health, mindfulness is emerging as a viable option for parents who want to help their kids manage stress and thrive in our modern world. I'm proud to be a leader in this emerging field because I think mindfulness empowers kids in a way that nothing else does. My work has been featured in a growing list of publications, podcasts and platforms because mindfulness is the solution so many people are looking for. There is nothing I love more than talking about kids and mindfulness (well, maybe soccer), so I'd love to chat with you about how I can help you make this super simple and effective tool part of your family.

Lindsay Miller


Founder & Lead Coach at The Stress Nanny

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